Educate the Public About Elephants

The best way to see and learn about elephants is to watch them in their natural habitat.
This is the best contribution to the conservation of elephants.

2017 – 2022 / Nepal, Chitwan – Raise awareness: Retired elephant Lucky Kali stays at Sapana Village Lodge where by example we are showing that people can have an educational and inspirational elephant experience without riding or shows.
We have had many visitors who have found great joy in watching Lucky Kali enjoying herself – just being an elephant.
This has inspired the lodge owner Dhruba Giri, and following our example, Direct Aid Nepal – our partner in Lucky Kali’s retirement – has rented and retired the 4 elephants of Dhruba Giri at Sapana Village Lodge.
We are very thankful to Dhruba for giving our organization the opportunity to house Lucky Kali and launch our program.

2015 / Nepal – Participation in the film “Unchained” by Spanish director Alex C. Rivera.
Association Moey graciously provided personal resources including videos and photos that were taken in various locations in Asia and used in the film.

